Miscellaneous Utilities

Here are a few miscellaneous utilites that I've written that might be useful to someone somewhere.....
They are all FREEWARE and are not guarenteed to work in any way. If you find any of them useful, please send me a note saying so.

All programs are for OS/2 unless otherwise stated.

Detext (40k) A trivial utility that fixes files corrupted by being transfered in text mode by reversing the effect of a LF -> CR/LF translation. Includes source & binaries for OS/2, DOS & Win32.
URL Resume v0.20 (67k) A command line HTTP file downloader that supports resuming transfers from HTTP 1.1 compliant servers (including Apache 1.2 and above which this server runs on). Includes binaries for OS/2 & Win32.
Time Out (25k) An auto-calibrating clock nudger. Keeps your PC's clock accurate with a minimum of effort. PM interface.
Which (33k) An implementation of the classic which command. Tells you the full path of the program that will be run if you enter a certain command. OS/2, DOS and Win32 executables are all included.
Calc (23k) A simple command line calculator. Supports full order of operations and scientific functions.

Assorted OS/2 Ports

These are some programs that were written by others that I've ported to OS/2

MP+ player (84k). A command line player for MPEGPlus (MP+) files, an alternative to MP3 with better quality. Encoder is closed source however so no encoder port is available but the Win32 version can be made to run with Odin.
OpenNap (517k) A precompiled binary of OpenNap v0.44, an open source Napster server.

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